Diane Gudat

Diane Gudat

Diane Gudat is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana where she began The Dance Company in 1979. Diane has served as a guest artist and choreographer to numerous private studios, high schools and companies all over the United States, South Africa and Canada. She has also served as a Master Teacher for many dance teachers’ organizations, including Dance Masters of America, Dance Teachers Club of Boston, Florida Dance Masters, Southern Association of Dance Masters, American Dance Awards, D.A.N.C.E. International (Pretoria, South Africa) and the Chicago National Association of Dance Masters. As an independent, award-winning choreographer she has staged a wide variety of musicals and has choreographed numerous show choirs and dance lines. She was one of the coaches to the 2002 gold medal USA World Championship Tap and Show Dance teams, is an internationally certified adjudicator and was a judge for the World Tap Championships in Riesa, Germany.

Diane is the author of seven dance books, Acrobatics for the Dance Studio, The Time Step Dictionary (volumes one and two), Music Theory for the Dance Classroom, Variables for Teaching Tap and Step by Step; A Complete Guide to Teaching Tap (volumes one and two). Her Tap teaching aids, “Flash Tap” flashcards are used by dance teachers all over the world. Her website, dianegudat.com is a valuable resource and gathering place for dance professionals at all levels.

Diane has travelled extensively as a faculty member for DMA, DTCB, Florida Dance Masters, Dance Teachers Club of Edmonton (Alberta Canada), Dance Life Teacher’s Conference and CNADM Teacher’s Training Schools. She has founded the US – SA Dance Teacher’s Seminar in Pretoria, South Africa. She was the recipient of the Artistic Achievement Award in 2008 from CNADM and the Friendship Award from American Dance Awards.

Her humor and energy have made her a popular judge, scholarship auditioner and faculty member for numerous conventions and competitions across the U.S. and Canada.

Dance Teachers in Indianapolis